Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Recipe -Stew Chicken with Coke

I bought a recipe book, and decided to venture Coke into my dinner menu. Dad & Joel loves it. I think the Coke adds sweetness to the stew chicken, very nice. Joel was licking the gravy of his fingers. And its so simple to prepare.
Ingredients: 8 chicken wings, Coke, 4 slices of ginger, garlic.
Fry ginger and garlic till fragrant, put the chicken in and fry for a few minutes. Add about 400ml of coke, then add oyster sauce, light sauce, dark sauce. Taste, add more sauce if you prefer heavier taste. Then simmer for at least 45mins. Then viola!! you have it , Coca Cola chicken!

There is also a Sprite honey chicken, which I will try next time.


Roland + Fern = Aeon , Ashe, Axel said...

wow, so nice ah! Can get free supply of coke from somewhere! Can cook in diet coke version! kekeke

MayMay said...

Yes, I was thinking of getting free coke too but I have no guts. I think must cook in Normal coke. I will show you the recipe book. Its nice.