Friday, February 20, 2009

How worse can it get?

Joel woke up by himself at 7am this morning and got cranky immediately. The next one hour is a terrible battling time, with him kicking up a BIG fuss, and we trying our best to prep him to school by 7:45am.

We got into the lift ontime for school bus, but Joel decided to throw up in the lift, we had to go back home, and have to clean him (and ourselves) up again.

Its the first time we had to drive him to school. He cried again once we reached CGM, I have never seen anything like that before. I thought this cannot get any worse, but Joel has surprised us time & again, that he can bring his tempermental level up to a higher knot.

This morning - 20 Feb Friday, is possibly the worse emotional outbreak. I had to run away from the school, away from Joel's vision, he's out of control.

8:45am, we were all late for work, CGM called, Joel's still crying in the background. Teacher wants to know exactly what happened to him, they cannot soothe him. I asked them what can we do, I think she doesnt know too. They are probably like us, totally exasperated!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


天啊!! 真象个坐在大树下乘凉的大叔!! 三岁订八十, 恐怕是真的了。嘻嘻。。


Both of us were down with flu, passing the virus to each other. He was so tired, slept w/in 10 mins, and wrapped himself up in the blanket, poor boy.. sniff sniff.

Lion Dance

He got a big nightmare after watching about 30 mins of loud lion dance at a very close distance.

Monday, February 02, 2009

School Bag

Was wondering where is Joel's school bag, it finally appeared. Guess the honeymoon period is over, its study time! Joel treats his bag like so precious, and look so proud when he carry it.